Plan For The Unexpected


Why Capstan?

Divorce is a difficult time in one's life and filled with challenging issues that must be resolved. We specialize in working with pre and post divorcees to help assess their current and future financial situation. Naturally divorce is filled with times of fear and uncertainty about the future.

Capstan Wheel

Navigating All Financial Aspects

If a divorce is in your future, you have a lot on your mind - the household, mixed emotions, perhaps children. But now is not the time to overlook your finances. Each case is different, and there's no pat answer. To help reduce the likelihood that a divorce will disrupt your tax and investment strategies, you need to understand a few fundamentals.

You Can Count On Us

The rules governing divorce are complicated and also vary by state. We will work closely with your attorney and tax advisor throughout the proceedings to help ensure your rights and investments are protected.